Wednesday, May 23, 2012

DAY #30: He Will Work Hard in Every Situation

As I was on my mission there was an Elder who was 6’10” and was a real live giant.  He would always sing this song about Goliath that would start in a deep booming voice, “Everybody wants to be like me, as tall as a tree!”   There was never a shortage of laughing when he was around!

That song came into my head this week and started me on a long stream of pondering about David and Goliath.  That really is an amazing thing! To think that for such a long time Goliath came out challenging the Jews and not a single warrior went forward; and then when someone finally steps up, it was just a shepherd boy?  A boy promising that heaven and God would protect him and that he would slay Goliath!  That is amazing!

I think there are times in each of our lives where our lot is to be the boy that defeats the giant, but then there are even more times where are job is to stay behind and watch the sheep.  Although one job may not seem as grand as the other both are essential for success and happiness.

With Madelyne leaving so far away on such an awesome adventure there have been times when I feel a bit like the sheep sitter watching the giant Philistine being smitten by my brave (and gorgeous) future wife.  My days activities and duties seem to pale in comparison to the great things that she accomplishes… but that isn’t what it is really all about.  My job is not to outwork, outbrain, outearn, or out-anything!  My duty is to do my best with what I have been given.

The man that She deserves will work hard in every situation that he finds himself in regardless of grandeur.  He will seek to please God, his Wife, and himself by giving his full effort in each duty he is entrusted.  He will magnify his post, and happily continue to improve each day.  He will be the best sheep sitter he can be J


  1. Jordan, As a woman who has spent most of her life being a "sheep sitter" I couldn't have loved this post more. Well said!

    With a post like that, I can tell you without a doubt - you are doing what you said - improving! Keep it up young one, not much longer!

    Love you,


  2. You're wonderful. I love you so much boy. Marry me?
