Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DAY# 43: He Will Be Clean

When I was a little boy I would wake up with the sun and help myself to some morning cartoons with my stuffed animal deer as the rest of the family continued to slumber.  On one particular morning, for no good reason that can be brought to remembrance, my deer and I decided that we would conquer the top of the food pyramid early and devour a jug of maple syrup for breakfast.  Unfortunately I did not just damage my cholesterol but due to poor aim I left myself, and my deer, drenched in the sticky mess and the living room carpet was devastated!  (It’s funny NOW but I am sure my parents were not so cheerful to wake up to that haha)

I don’t know if this early event has anything to do with it, but for as long as I can remember I have hated being sticky!  I think stickiness is one of the worst kinds of filthy.  Being covered in dirt shows hard work and mud is sometimes even applied on purpose; but stickiness is the unloved child of a Popsicle or a sucker, it’s the bad fruit of most trees, and the mysterious fiend on the movie theater floor.  Stickiness does not easily submit to hot water or even soap, and it seems that layers of skin are sometimes easier to remove.  Dirty people have no shame in clasping their dirty fingers together, but sticky people are even disgusted with themselves holding their hands out front with their fingers widely spread.  In this way sin and stickiness are a lot alike.  They are both easy to fall into, but hard to escape.  They both diminish feelings of self-worth and cleanliness.

From the day that I met her, my dear Madelyne has been clear with her expectations of purity for a future spouse and has held herself to that same standard.  She is all that is beautiful about a fresh snow and like Nephi she is made sick at the very thought of sin.

The man she deserves will dedicate all that he has, and all that he is to her and her alone.  He will be clean.  He will remember always the covenants that he made with God, and the tender heart of his near perfect wife.  He will never sacrifice all that matters in his life for a pretend pleasure.  He will work every day to be pure from spots.  He will love her cleanliness and will always be worthy of it.  He will be clean!