Sunday, May 13, 2012

DAY #20: He Will Love Their Children

The size of a family can sometimes prove to be a determining factor in the dynamics of family activities.  For example you can’t play two on two if you have 5 in the family, Checkers and Chess are not really 3 player games, and if there are 4 jump roping becomes way too crowded! 

As I have grown my desire for a large family has grown with me.  I cannot think of anything more rewarding than a house full of kids that at one time drive me up the wall and at another melt my heart to nothing.  I am sure there are many parents who read this admittedly inexperienced and perhaps slightly fairytale explanation thinking, “Well buddy I have a few heart melters that I wouldn’t mind sending your way!”   And to them I say I know that I have no idea how hard it will be, but for now I really like the idea of a big family.

For the past year I have been coaching an under 14 girls soccer team, and it has been one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done.  I LOVE IT!!!  There is something so special about being able to participate in the growth and developments of those that you care so much about.  I know that this feeling will be even greater with my own children.

The man She deserves will love their children.  He will make the home a place where love is spoken freely and frequently.  He will never limit their children with thoughts that they incapable of achieving great things.  He will understand that his role as provider means more than just finances; he must provide the love, testimony, and support that is expected of a righteous father. 

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