Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DAY #16: He Will Be Happy When She's Right

My job is sometimes very much like a desert canyon.  There are times when the canyon lays almost completely barren besides the occasional tumble weed and then there are times when some clouds roll in and the flash floods come.  During the barren times my boss has encouraged us to read books that will increase our business skills and overall worth.  I have been reading Crucial Conversations, a great book written by a handful of New York Times best sellers.  The basic premise of this book is that a key factor in success is the ability to handle crucial conversations (whether in work, school, home etc...) with coolheadedness...  Something that for most of us is more difficult than we would care to admit.

The authors teach about a little thing we are grown to want, and are taught to struggle to get.... that thing is Winning!  We are taught that success is measured by how often you win in any environment.  After thousands of years of this teaching, there is a urge within our very nature to Win almost at all costs...
This desire is what leads us to abandon what we really want in order to be right.  We are willing to fight about meaningless details until we are blue in the face and grey in the hair just to be right.  We are willing to forget the fact that what we really want is to eat somewhere where the whole family would enjoy because we need to argue our point that In-N-Out is a valid option far longer than it was really worth (or even far more passionately than we even believe!)

The man She deserves will not only let Her be right, but he will recognize and be happy when She's right.  He will find pride in Her good ideas, and will be quick to see when Her way really is better.  he will not allow what he really wants to be clouded by his natural desire to win.